Gay marriage simply won’t fade away. It keeps coming up. Yesterday a California judge ruled on it and now we are told it’s heading to the Conservative, err, Supreme Court. (The idea that the Supreme Court Justices are somehow dispassionate and apolitical is absurd—how else does one view the fact that Rush Limbaugh’s wedding—his fourth—had Clarence Thomas on the guest list. I wonder if Limbaugh calls him boy—well within his frame of perception.) One report on the hearing indicated that when asked by the attorneys what harm gay marriage would do to “hetro-marriages” they could provide no valid answer. That is because, as sane and reasonable people have known, there is no valid reason to deny gay people the ability to marry. It can’t and won’t affect hetor-marriages. It was a bogus, hate-filled argument from the start.
The locus for denying gay people the ability to marry can be found in hate, fear and ignorance—plain and simple. And of course, we certainly want those characteristics in abundance when making legal decisions, or decisions that deny people civil liberties. Let me not hear anything approaching reason or logic regarding this issue. What use are reason and logic if they directly contradict hate, fear and ignorance?
Imagine it: gay people holding hands and kissing and having wedding receptions. Oh, it makes me so mad, even though I have nothing directly to do with it. In fact, it makes me so mad, I can’t stand it. What on earth do they do behind closed doors? Distrusting and now, they can do it—sodomy and whatever else—legally. OMG!
Have you ever considered that some of the people most fiercely against gay rights, and specifically gay marriage, are themselves complete flamers? Ted Haggard, Larry David, George Rekers, Bob Allen, Glenn Murphy, Mark Foley and on and on the list goes. All Republican cocksuckers to be sure. Perhaps, they might consider getting together for a circle jerk—it seems to fit.
The argument against gay marriage is specious; it has no validity at all, except if one considers hate, fear and ignorance. But this is America, where the Tea Party flourishes and the Supreme Court Justices hang out, some at least, with the same folks who truck in hate, fear and ignorance.
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