Fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
Before Trump was elected, I was talking to a colleague about Trump's chances to win. I did not believe he would, but my colleague thought he would. He strongly supported Trump because he thought that a Clinton presidency would lead to fascism. The idea of political correctness so contorted his political view that he thought the "says it like it is" approach was "liberating."
A recent report reveals that the CDC may not use 7 words when it makes requests for funding. The administration banned of these words: fetus, science-based, evidence based, diversity, transgender, entitlement, and vulnerable. It reminds me of Rick Scott's, Florida's governor, ban on "climate change" for all government officials. Even though Florida is going to be severely impacted by climate change, (it has already been impacted-rising sea level) Scott's government refuses to acknowledge the threat. It reminds me of Orwell's "Ministry of Truth."
I recently started listening to 1984--I have read it before. I like listening to books on tape while walking and hiking. There are many parallels in the world Orwell's Winston inhabits and the one I find myself in right now. The "Ministry of Truth" department shares many qualities with the current administration. "Fake news" is a standard refrain from Trump. In the "Ministry of Truth" there is no "fake news"; all the news is politically correct and reflects the narrative the government wants. The government controls everything.
When Trump recently challenged the veracity of the ""pussy-grabbing" tape from "Access Hollywood,"

I have not talked with my colleague about the recent administration, but I wonder what he thinks. Does he see the Trump's administration's as embracing fascist principles or "telling it like it is?" It's pretty clear to me that the administration prefers and embraces a fascist bent to its governing.
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