With True Detective and now Fargo, TV's the place for top-notch, effective story telling. It used to be that film is where one went to see something interesting, innovative and inspiring-not any more. TV played it mainly safe to appeal to the largest audience. Why do people still watch Two and Half Men? Now films seem to do this and focus on spectacle sans story. Not that spectacle is a bad thing, but it is not interesting storytelling. I'll take True Detective and Fargo over X-Men or Transformers any day.
Of course, there are some interesting things happening in film, but those are few and far between. This summer (2014) has yet to offer any interesting in film--well, at least those that I have seen. But TV continues with excellent shows. Indeed, there are so many good ones, it is hard to keep up. I have yet to catch up with Mad Men, for example.
The short anthology and TV series offers its creator much more space to tell his/her story. So here's to the great shows on TV that have used the larger canvass to great effect: Breaking Bad, True Detective and Fargo to name a few that leap to mind. I should include Game of Thrones, too. Imagine if GoT was shoe-horned into three or four or even five films like Harry Potter of The Hunger Games? It simply won't work as well.
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