Now a few espisodes into the fourth season of True Blood, I can assert confidently that I do not like the direction the show is taking. This season reminds me of the 2nd season with the that weird lady controling the good ole folks of Bon Temps. That season was simply too weird. And now we are being introduced to more wierd people--the witches--who can apparently control or brain earse the vampires--alas poor Eric, the only intersting character--save Pam--on the show. So the vampires are not the supreme badasses of the True Blood world. But this added element makes the show less grounded or more fantastical. The more the show moves away from the humans, the less interesting it becomes. Soon there may be no humans.
Within the True Blood universe, I wonder how they are even any humans around. Honestly, everything is something "else": werewolves, vampires, fairies, witches, shifters, whatever Jason is becoming and humans. One of these things is not like the others. How are there any humans left in this supernatural world?
Okay, I do concede that Tara is a cool human, but who else? Terry? And remember that Lafayette is now a witch.
The promise that the first season offered, I thought, was that we'd see a struggle between vampires and their intergration into human culture and the strains that developed as a result. It could have been frutile grounds for exploring all types of aspects of our humanity and society. Instead, the show has opted for sensationalism. Wierdness. It unsettles, nay, overruns, the "suspension of disbelief" required to enjoy the show--and every other show.
I know that the show is modeled after a series of novels, which I have not and have no interst in reading. So perhaps my anticpation was always ill-informed. I don't know how closely the series aligns with the books. I don't much care, either. All I can do is evaluate the series and enough with the wierdness.
Also, with Eric now reduced to a little boy, which I suppose will ingratiate Sookie to him more, the show really has effectively killed off one of the best characters--Eric Northman. He may return to his confident badass self, but for now the best character on the show is gone. Me no likley.
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